Metallic paper – Atiro Targets

IPSC card with 2 metal supports and 1 patented foot

Functional in respecting the activities of the Atiro courses and for athletes it helps to increase their progression and speed.

Made of high-strength material with an absolute focus on safety.

It should be used at a distance of no less than 7 meters like all metal targets.

Assembly is simple and quick by interlocking, it does not require screws or pins.

IPSC card with 2 metal supports and 1 patented foot

Functional in respecting the activities of the Atiro courses and for athletes it helps to increase their progression and speed.

Made of high-strength material with an absolute focus on safety.

It should be used at a distance of no less than 7 meters like all metal targets.

Assembly is simple and quick by interlocking, it does not require screws or pins.


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